Saturday, July 31, 2010

ashholes and zombies

LOL. Too much? Yeah. Nevermind, i'll probably faint when i see her. Gawd. Let's just hope that... The people don't all run...? And all rush to stand infront? CHillax people... Chillax! I HOPE IT RAINS SO NOT EVERYOEN WILL BE WILLING TO STAND IN THE RAIN HEHEHE. Furthermore, i'm like going alone. Scary. And i don't know what time to go o.o So many thingy. GAWD. I want her like you know... to be like mine... Which is never gonna happen anyways
P.S Which part of "I AM FUCKING OBSESSED WITH KATY PERRY" do you not understand? Haven't i made it clear enough? I am willing to give up my whole life for this woman. I am willing to take all the pain for her. I am willing to do anything for her! Do you understand? You probably think i'm crazy or whatever but you know what? S C R E W Y O U. So fucking pissed with everyone and their questioning and their doubting expressions and their whatever crap. W H A T E V ER !! ! ! !!
Ohoh and to you who sent me this message "Actually someone wanted to give me the singfest tix for day 1 but i didn't take it" Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Now i can't be bothered with that but seriously, you need to grow the fuck up. I heard what you told the other guy to say. When i didn't have the singfest tickets, you kept on using the word SINGFEST to taunt me. How old are you? 5? Motherfucker sia you. SHOO
Friday, July 30, 2010

Do i believe in miracles? Yes. Do i believe in 11:11 wishes? Yes. Am i gonna get affected by those people who are always pouring cold water on me? No. Am i fucking happy right now? You bet your arse i am.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Singing out loud makes me happy (:

Long wordy rant post thang
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
must have cute

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Katy Perry stuffs... lol

I'm sending all my love to you

why do you always make me feel like i'm the one that's crazy?

Whenever someone takes my Katy Perry stuff, the only thing that's going through my mind is "GIMME BACK GIMME BACK" so i pretty much don't think about what i'm gonna do... I'm just gonna do whatever i can to get my stuff back!! And when i'm talking to you, i hear the words but all i could think is we should be together~ Sounds familiar? LOL! Okay lah.. Don't hate me ): It's how i am!!
I don't think my sprained ankle is EVER gonna keep better. Just as it was healing, i fell again. Twice actually... Damn. I fucking hate CS ): I'm so fucking tired.....!!! 7 more days... Why is time moving so fucking slowly? Kill me now please x.x
Anyways, now i totally understand the line of the song "YOUR LOVE YOUR LOVE YOUR LOVE IS MY DRUGGG" because it really is... I got overdosed just now and felt abit lightheaded for a moment. Then now i'm freaking craving for it... Oh gosh...
Monday, July 26, 2010
monday bruised

It's so hard to resist you when you look me in the eyes tonight~
Sunday, July 25, 2010
No regrets, just love.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Just one touch,

she got my heart racing in her skintight jeans

I don't have much to say except for uh.. Happy birthday and i love you guys forevaarr! Hoho
Friday, July 23, 2010

Heart heart heartbreakk~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Then she continued saying then i was like
Then she was like "Hate me then go ask Katy Perry be your mum loh"
Stop questioning me about my love for her can anot.... She's just awesome... She's my everything. I am willing to dieee for her. Okay? Freaking irritating...
wake me up when the world ends

LOL jk but i would like one tho... Like i'm fucking desperate for one...
ANYWAYS, EEW WTF IS WITH ME AND THOSE LOVE STUFF -.- DON'T CARE DON'T CARE. LOL. Jasmin does not dabble in the lurveee world. I only indulge myself in my fantasy world where Katy Perry is my one and only wifey. Whatever that means. In awkward situations, daydream about your idols!! That never fails for me... LOL!
But seriously, thanks anyways.
I WANNA FUCKING STOP STUDYING. I don't fucking mind if i'm that kid who grows up infront of the computer. You know? Like those 30 year old people who are still in their basement with an internet connection doing whatever. You call that having no life!? I CALL THAT HAVING A FUCKING LIFE. Not really but... Ahhh........ Just... I don't wanna live in this fucking reality lah -.-
baby get down down down~

TA DA. Yah i know it's abit scary but it fits the album title! And it's another naked lady................... Uhh..... First is naked Katy Perry on the cover now it's another naked lady on this cover..... Wow. Then next is Selena Gomez de album gonna come out. Don't tell me have naked woman again LOL.
Later the CD shop de people thought i pervert sia... Both times buy de album also got naked woman. Nevermind nevermind. AHH WHY TIME MOVE SO SLOW. FASTERRRRRRR
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I love KP, you love KP, I love you.
