Has been waking up early on saturdays and it's like okay... Well, uh. Kay. Had history and CS. AND I TOTALLY CLIMBED THROUGH THE WINDOW TO GO INSIDE CLASS HAHA. Don't underestimate me yo! SO COOL SIA. I wanna climb again LOL?! Rushed off to meet Auntie koko!! Auntie and niece outing xD

Why must you be the one who ALWAYS ruins my mood?! I know i should be happy for you but... I can't okay! So to prevent myself from being unhappy, i NEED to let go. But it's not as easy as it sounds... It's like my diary has your name all over it... BURN IT BURN ITTTTTTTT!!! But i do love you :/
horoscope for next month seems awesome. My optimism has finally paid off! So hoping this horoscope is true. Hehe.
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