Monday, May 31, 2010
Restless heart syndrome
Aftereffects? Pizza blanket! WANT.

I love you wifeyyyyyyyyyyyy. You're too perfectttttttttt~ I wanna be with you forever yo! :D
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Eh heh.
Oh my gawdddd

So call the last day of school. Meh.

HOW CAN I NOT REALISE THAT SUCH A HOT CAUCASIAN GUY WHO SINGS AND IS IN A BAND LIVES IN SINGAPORE OHMYGOD. Hello! IT'S A LOCAL BAND. Local = SINGAPORE, you dumb... I still remember you kay, Lucky Valentine! Ohwellllllll. I'm hungryy.
I feel empty suddenly. Cause everyone is gone... You're gone. You're gone, you're gone and were you even here? OHBTW SOCKGHIM. I still have that chocolate sweet thing i bought from IKEA. HAHA
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
the kind of girl you could only ever dream of

YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. HAHA. I mean even if you don't want to, if she comes and ask you for it, will you reject? YOU BETTER NOT. LOL. Kidding larh. I love youuuuuu :D
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Snap it, bend it and burn it.

Not cool manzx. NOT COOL.

want your bad romance

Monday, May 24, 2010
Red eyed monstarrrr

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Urgh, i'm bored.

So random o.o
The dream started with me sitting at a bus stop outside Singapore Poly? I was waiting for a bus on my way to the airport cuz i was going to France to watch a play. I remember my flight time was 12.30pm!! Like seriously. Then beside me was Mawaddah! Then i wait for bus until i wanna die already so i took a taxi. When i got on the taxi, beside me suddenly become Sock Ghim o.o Then reach the airport de time i went to buy food. Then there was 3 counters mah. The person at the first counter was JANE LYNCH.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Who am i kidding manzx...

Thursday, May 20, 2010
badabing badaboom

Disappointing :/

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
530 and counting...


List of things to do? LOL.
2. I wanna learn how to ride a bike.
3. I wanna watch lots and lots of movies.
4. I've never been to botanical gardens.
5. OH! How about science centre?
6. OH! How about the fish that eats the dead skin off your feet? LOL.
7. OHOH AND SNOW CITY. Now only like 14 bucks?! Somemore the webbie write got sci centre + snow city package which is only 14 bucks!!
8. Or we could go to parks and do stuff? that sounded wrong LOL
9. How about museums?
10. Visit the MERLION? LOL.
11. Sentosa? FORT SILOSO?
13. fishing? HAHA
15. OH THERE'S THIS PLACE CALL KUSU ISLAND. During low tides, you can actually see the corals and some marine life thingy. I WENT THERE BEFORE! I saw a nemo fishy XD
LOL ok. can't really think of anything lerh. 2 WEEKS!! Must get the best of it before we go back to hell. Okayokay... DONE.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010
You have no idea how much that means
ARGH. I'm posting again. heh

It feels the same

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This totally looks like my hamster! Except that mine is fatter and has bigger balls... Like seriously. AND IT'S STARTING TO HAVE SERIOUS ATTITUDE PROBLEMS LOL. Like right last time i wake him up at least he will like walk around awhile before going back to sleep. Now he doesn't even wake up!! I have to poke him like dunno how many times then he wake up and be like very pisesd. Tsktsk. Starting to become more and more like me... LoL
ARGH. So fast sunday liao T.T

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010
heyho heyho

ohgod this pictures makes me laugh like idk why but it makes me laughh

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
sun-kissed sun so hot, she'll melt your popsicle
OKOK I KNOW THE ANSWER LIAO. People ask "Why you like Katy Perry?" or "What do you like about Katy Perry?". Well.. WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?! LOL. Kay lah random. I'm boredddddd. 4 days of no school. Gonna rot at home. Greaattttt
Oh and i don't need to tell people to listen to songs liao. I give up!! Furthermore, the song has got to number 1 so screw you if you doubted me. I don't need your opinion!! I don't need you to give me that sianxz face when you're listening to it. I don't need you to say "okay" then you just forget about the whole thing. I don't need your ears anymore! Sorry for sounding abit... harsh... I feel kinda pissed that people say such things about my katy perry.... So now i've stopped dissing justin bieber and miley etc liao okay. So stfu.
Monday, May 10, 2010

She has a white and green one... YESYESYES!! Ohgod obsesseddd. First i must remember to buy that magazine with her on the cover first!! I'm not gonna miss out anything else manxz... Time to focus on the details instead of just finding pictures and videos of her. IT'S TIME TO GET INTO THE INTIMATE DETAILS. WAHAHAHAHA. That includes the colour of her underwear and i do know what colour is it. HAHA.
Damn i love my friends