Hello. 3 papers today! I'm so poopedddd. I was so damn tired during maths paper i couldn't think straight sia!! I even fell asleep at one point... I was holding my pen, looking at the qn and then suddenly i woke up an was like EH?! Let's just say the only difference between me actually doing the paper and me cheating for the paper is the conduct. Get what i mean?
Mother tongue paper 1... The first essay was going okay. Then until the second essay... I write until halfway, my mind suddenly wandered off to the "Teenage Dream" video and i lost my train of thoughts... Damnnn. I finished paper 2 like super early so i slept!! I literally drooled on the paper. DISGUSTING LOL.

I don't know how to cheer you up when you're sad. I don't know how to calm you down when you're angry. I don't know how to entertain you when you're bored. All i know how to do is to love you with all my heart...
GHIM IS CORRUPTING MY MIND!! You think i'm corrupted? No... LOL.
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