Pssh. I wanted to post this at 3:21pm cuz it's post number 321 but i got distracted by Katy Perry and now it's 3:24pm -.- Ahhh. Katy katy katy~
ANYWAYS. Just wanted to say that... You were the only one who ______. You kinda made my day~ And for that, i thank you and i love you! Not forgetting i miss you a hell lot too ): I wanna hug youuuuuuuuuuuu~
Was flipping through channels and changed to MTV and guess who i saw?! ADAM LEVINEEEEEEE. My gosh!! He has a new video with another dude... The video was like halfway thru liao and i was likee "IS THAT ADAM?!?!?! O.O

I haz been spending the last few days with my brother yo! He is so awesome!! He skipped school also... Haha!! Like brother like sister. GO KENNY GOH!!
And... I saw the lyrics for Katy Perry's song Milk Milk Lemonade and it was even worst then i expected. LOL. The song is nice with Katy Perry and her cutecute voice and whatever but the lyrics is so wrongggg LOL! Ohwell. She say this album is gonna be sexy instead of the previous one which was cutesy. I can totally see that... Just from the album cover... lolllllllll
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