I WANT THIS HOODIEE. It's from Avril Lavigne's clothing line Abbey Dawn. It's not on sale at it's official website and i found it on EBAYY. Unfortunately, the ONLY person who sells it doesn't do international shipping. NOOOOOOO. IT'S ONLY 15 US DOLLORS WHICH IS LIKE 30SGDOLLORS. WHY NO INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY. WHY T.T WHYEE!!! LOOK AT THOSE BADASS HORNS ON THE HOOD. I WANTT

So i had to find other options that were CHEAPER. SOME OF THEM WAS LIKE. 169 BUCKS. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I want those with ears or horns one xp. SOOO i found this... It ships internationally!! Total add up is 65 bucks singapore moneh. Waanttttttt
Seriously i don't need a million dollors. I just need like. Not even a quarter of it. Like gimme 10k is enough. LOL. Come on. Some billionaire please read this and contact me @ 9271 LOL. KIDDING LAH. CRAZEE. Billionaires has better things to do then surf the web and read some katy perry crazy fan girl blog -.-
Speaking of wifey, i woke up at 11am to watch her on tv. HEHEHE. What a great way to start a day eh? I feel extremely happy now. Later 8.30 mtv also have wifey. weeeee.
I want the first hoodie too :C