How is wifey a slut/whore? Okay first lemme check the meanings of the two words. Slut means a dirty and immoral person. Whore means someone who has sex for money. WHAAAT? WHEN DID WIFEY DO SUCH THINGS? Okay. Wifey only had 2 boyfriends since she became famous. There's only like 2 songs she sang that really has a wrong meaning in it. Peacock and Milk Milk Lemonade. THE REST IS NOT?! Even if it has sex stuff in it, it's not about casual one whuat. It's about her and like her lover or something. I kissed a girl? KISS GIRL ONLY WHAT. You don't kiss your mothers? Oh i kiss my mum then i'm a slut also lah. Idiots...
Lol sorry kinda pissed because i was watching a video of wifey and all the comments was about her boobs -.- THERE'S MORE TO HER THEN THAT OKAY?
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